
ClickyourprofilepictureinthetoprightofFacebook.ClickSeeallprofiles.ClickSwitchaccounts.Clicktheaccountthatyouwanttoswitchto, ...,Withaccountswitching,youcanquicklyswitchbetweendifferentFacebookaccountswithoutlogginganyoneout.Thisfeatureisonlyavailableoncomputers, ...,ThisarticleisaboutcreatingandswitchingintoadditionalFacebookprofiles.LearnmoreifyouaretryingtoswitchbetweendifferentFacebookacco...

Switch between different Facebook accounts

Click your profile picture in the top right of Facebook. Click See all profiles. Click Switch accounts. Click the account that you want to switch to, ...

Help Center

With account switching, you can quickly switch between different Facebook accounts without logging anyone out. This feature is only available on computers, ...

Create and switch into additional Facebook profiles

This article is about creating and switching into additional Facebook profiles. Learn more if you are trying to switch between different Facebook accounts.

Switch between different Facebook accounts

To switch accounts on an app or mobile device, log out of an account and then log in with a different account.

How to Switch Accounts on Facebook

In a browser: down arrow > Switch Account, or tap Menu > Log out > choose account. This article explains how to switch between multiple Facebook ...

How To Switch Accounts On Facebook App

Here's how to switch accounts on the Facebook application. If you have more than one account on your Facebook app, you can switch to the ...

how to switch accounts on facebook

Comments · How to Create multiple facebook profiles in One Account | New Facebook Profile kaise banaye | Fb id · Facebook Switch Account Remove ...


